Located +/- 10km North of Windhoek.
Selling Price US$3.2 million
Four parts sold as one.
Portion A:
* 3.0459 Ha
* Main house
* Shed
* Subdivision possibility 2 x 1 Ha portions
* Water and electricity
Portion B:
* 5.0661 Ha
* Main House (Possible B&B)
* Pool house
* Two lapas
* Double garage
* Bachelor flat
* Subdivision possibility 2 x 1 Ha portion
* Water and Electricity
Portion C:
* 5 0661 Ha
* Main House / Wine Cellar
* 2 Lapas
* Reception area
* Camping sites
* Subdivision possibility 2 x 1 Ha portions
Portion D:
* 5.0138 Ha
* Undeveloped
* Subdivision possibility 5 x 1 Ha portions
* Water and electricity
Contact us for more information!