Farm For Sale 📍Dordabis,Khomas Region
📍7814 Hectares
▪️Private Farm
▪️7 814 Hectares
▪️18 camps with an additional 3500 HA wildlife camp.
▪️Boreholes 8 - solar and wind power, clean water in all camps
▪️Registered as a hunting farm, but has been used for grazing livestock
▪️Dwellings, the main house has 6 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, a smaller dwelling near the main house is used as a guesthouse for hunters bedrooms, 3 other small houses in the camps
▪️The number of wildlife exterminated at 500 with Gemsboks, springboks, and kudus as the main wildlife
▪️The farm is fenced and in good condition
▪️Electricity by nampower and smaller camps have solar power
▪️Average of 250 mm of rain per year
▪️Distance from airport 40min drive
Selling at 30 000000 excluding costs
Transfer costs: 3 226 706.50
Bond costs: 319 404
Total including the bond, transfer costs, and selling price: 33,546,110.50
NB: pre-approval/ proof of funds required for viewing.
For viewing more info & arrangements
📲Contact Willem Mbango :0857466180