Purchase the ENTIRE 515 HA OR only purchase a portion. Zoning: Mixed use 300:1 - CC Registered. Prices depends on the portion being purchased. Residential 1/Erf = 207 - 159136m2, Gen.Res.Erven 1/300 - 1707 = 1103760m2, Gen.Res.Blocks 1/250 - 21 = 236702m2, Gen.Res.Blocks 1/125 - 6 = 91975m2, Gen.Res.Blocks 1/100 - 12 = 206303m2, Business - 13 = 112577m2, Institutional - 16 = 357501 m2, Office - 4 = 34538m2, Light Industrial - 5 = 6382m2, Government - 1 = 15642m2, Garage - 1 = 7268m2, Private Open Space - 7 = 269226m2, Public Open Space - 69 = 1771304m2, Street Erven - 7 = 76863m2, Remainders (street) - 8 = 728280m2 = TOTAL 5153638m2