Promote your property listing

Get more traffic to your property
Featured Package
We will post your listing to our Facebook page's 50,000 subscribers MyProperty Facebook post
Your property will be posted in a tweet to our X account to over 10,000 subscribers MyProperty X post
We will post your property to our Instagram account MyProperty Instagram post
We promote the listing in the suburb and surrounding areas of the property over a 4-7 day period N$400 Facebook & Instagram promotion
Booster Package
We will post your listing to our Facebook page's 50,000 subscribers MyProperty Facebook post
A link to your Facebook business page will be included in the post if supplied Facebook business page reference
Your property will be posted in a tweet to our X account to over 10,000 subscribers MyProperty X post
We will post your property to our Instagram account MyProperty Instagram post
We promote the listing in the suburb and surrounding areas of the property over a 4-7 day period N$1000 Facebook & Instagram promotion