For Sale - Okahandja (Namibia) 🏭
Industrial / Commercial property
Consists of :
- 1x 120sqm shop/office/retail space (includes separate office, kitchen, toilet, pre paid electricity, burglar bars, alarm system)
- 3x 95sqm shop/office/retail space (includes separate storage room, kitchen, toilet, pre paid electricity, burglar bars, alarm system)
- 10x 75sqm storage / workshop space (includes side entrance door, high industrial roll-up door, pre paid electricity, burglar bars, alarm system)
- 3x Public toilets on premises
- High boundary walls
- Lapa
- Interlocked driveway
* Entrance gate
- Water, 3phase electricity & sewer network in place
- Property has HUGE potential 🖤❤🖤
- Erf size - 5545sqm
For more information or to arrange a viewing please contact Rochelle on 0818593213
LaRochelle Properties - Okahandja
#okahandjaproperties #commercialproperty #commercialinvestment #officespaceforsale #propertyinvestment #propertyforsale